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Members and Rank

Chosen of Tempus

Rank 7


Leader & Founder of the Lords of Battle. 

Class: Great Weapon Fighter

Patron Diety: Tempus



High Council

Duraz Thrung

Rank 6

High guild assets.Must meet more than one of these requirements:

Game and guild activity, High recruitment rates, Investment, Trust of chosen.


Freed Khal'abbil from slavery. Witnessed his assention.

Class: Guardian Fighter

Patron diety: Moradin 

Ilsa Michaelis


Khal'abbils court mage.

Class: Control Wizard

Bupu Venomclaw


Class: Great Weapon Fighter

Sun Shadow


Battle Chaplains

Rank 5

Officers. Must meet one of theses recuirements:

Game and guild activity, High recruitment rates, Investment, Trust of Chosen

Triksture Rooge



Khal'abbils Court Jester

Class: Trickster Rouge

Class: Trickster Rouge

High Guard

Rank 4

Elite fighting force. Must meet these reqiurements:

Loyalty to guild. Be an End gamer(level 60)



Class: Trickster Rouge



Class: Hunter Ranger


Class: Grand Weapon Fighter


Class: Control Wizard


History: Little is know about Shadow's life before before he was saved by khal'abbil. While traveling to neverwinter to address claims of a war with the undead and an old and powerful lynch khal'abbil decided to pass through the plague changed lands. There he met The half-orc Sun Shadow. Spell scared as he was he seemed to retain much of his prowess and intelect. As wild and corrupted as it had become. Khal had gone to the lands to test his mettle and saw Sun as a great oppertunity to do this. However, as the fight dragged on he began to pity him. Not for weakness as sun shurely Tested his skill. But pity to a creature with such power and no ability to control it. He had become ingulfed in chaos and madness. When khal finally had an opening to finish the fight he didnt take it. His followers sat in amazment as mid swing khal turned his massive sword. Strikeing  the Half-orc rogue across the head with the flat side of his blade. Promtly sending him into a wild flip through the air and landing a good 15 feet away, out cold. Khal'abbil had seen great promise in Sun, so instead of continueing on to neverwinter he ordered his men to retreave sun and head back the way they came. Back to the Temple.  There, under strick orders from khal'abbil the priests and mages worked day and night to bring the Half-orc back to reality. And after what seemed like months Sun finally came to. Confused and scared. Khal'abbil told him of the battle. About the temple and the Lords. About himself and tempus. And how he had thrown everything the temple had at reversing the effects of the mind and stabilizing the plague within him. On that spot Sun Shadow took a Knee and swore his life to khal'abbil and his master Tempus. It didnt take long for Sun to prove himself in battle. and as the war with the undead waged on sun quickly rose through the ranks. finally becoming a right hand of Khal'abbil and given the preferred title of Jester. His reputaion is now strong through neverwinter. Those that seek to undermine or plot against the temple or khal'abbil himself quicky meet there end at the tip of one of Shadows daggers. And his reputation has come to create a rumor that is often told around the campfires of the sword coast. "And for all those that plot against the Lords beware the Shadows. For they may very well come alive and drag you into the darkness. "

Class: Trickster Rouge


Rank 3

Temple Guardians. Must meet these Requirements:

Loyalty to guild, Be level 40-59.

Created by Khal'abbil. Ageless master of the Lords of Battle and Chosen of Tempus.

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