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Guild Rules

This is a simple list of common rules. A more defined list of rules is coming shortly. Breaking guild rules has a punishment ranging from a simple warning to a more severe rank drop. Seriuse rule breaks or  continued disobeying of guild rules could result in being kicked from the guild. The punishment will fit the crime and be determined by one of your "Choosen". Above all your "Choosen" and officers expect respectfull and curtius behavior to both guild members and the outside world.  

  • No selling guild vault items to other players or in the auction house unless otherwise allowed by a high ranking officer. Permission will be given per withdrawed item and a single permision unless otherwise stated does not give you the right to do this as you please.

  • No disrespectfull comments or actions towards players. Guildy or otherwise. We all know a good joke however when feelings begin to be hurt, people become offended, or aggitation arises we ask you simply refram from that converstaion. all guildys respresent the order and we dont want to be known as "those guys".

  • No removing guild vault property or gold to give to none guild members inless authorized. Your guild mates work hard and sacrafice to bring wealth to the order and it disrespects them to simply give it to someone they did not intend to have it.

  • You are to respect guild rank. These members were not given there rank for no reason.

  • No descusing distain for the current order or a willingness to leave over open channel. If you decide you "need" to share such things we ask you do so in tells and private chats. We will not tolerate those who try to raise disorder and distrust within the guild

  • On most common guild Dungeon runs the order runs on a PURE GREED system. Slightly different from the common GREED runs that recuire only greed on epics. This is to make it simpler to understand (just always hit shift+2) and to try and prevent that occasional accidental need in frantic battle. However in the end the party leader will decide the exact GREED/NEED scenario.

  • We expect you to respect other party leaders(not guildys) Greed/Need requests. We are not thieves and respect from other players is worth much more than a random epic drop.

Created by Khal'abbil. Ageless master of the Lords of Battle and Chosen of Tempus.

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